お盆休み8月13日と14日. 朝の電話受付は9時15分から.


年齢別に進行度別に費用対効果を考慮したご提案を行っています。 無駄なシャンプーはお勧めしません。タンパク質と亜鉛を強化した糖質制限ダイエットはお勧めします。#エクエル #フィナステリド  #デュタステリド #ミノキシジル


症例2 フィナステリド内服


  • 1ヶ月5,500円⇒1年66,000円


  • すぐに改善するのではなく、数ヶ月の経過で徐々に効果が出てきます。


  • 初期脱毛が発生することがあります。内服を続けると、改善してきます。
  • 規則的な毎日の内服が必須です。内服したり、しなかったりすると、初期脱毛がひどくなり、薄毛が進行する恐れがあります。








症例1 フィナステリド内服


  • 1ヶ月5,500円⇒1年66,000円


  • すぐに改善するのではなく、数ヶ月の経過で徐々に効果が出てきます。


  • 初期脱毛が発生することがあります。内服を続けると、改善してきます。
  • 規則的な毎日の内服が必須です。内服したり、しなかったりすると、初期脱毛がひどくなり、薄毛が進行する恐れがあります。










最初にイソフラボンを分解できる体質かどうか、尿検査(ソイチェック)を行っていただいてから、適応を判断します。 分解できない体質の方にはエクオールを含むサプリメントであるエクエルをお勧めしています。文献リスト

  • ソイチェック 4,200円
  • エクエル 4,400円
    • 112錠(1日4錠内服、1ヶ月分)


  • 30代・40代の方で、軽症から中等症のAGAにお勧めです。


  • フィナステリド 5,500円
    • 1mg 28錠


  • 壮年期の方で、AGAが進んでしまい、フィナステリドで効果が出ない中等症から重症の方が対象です。


  • デュタステリド 7,700円
    • 0.5mg 30錠


  • ミノキシジル 22,000円
    • 未承認、輸入薬 0.2mg100錠(約3ヶ月分)



5α還元酵素にはI型とII型があります。頭皮では5α還元酵素の分布が異なります。 II型は頭頂部付近、I型は前頭部や側頭部に分布しています。フィナステリドはII型のみ、ザガーロはI型とII型両方に対して阻害作用があります。ザガーロの方が1.6倍効き目が強くなり、前頭部にも効果があると言われます。(個人差があります) 



Equol is a novel anti-androgen that inhibits prostate growth and hormone feedback.
Lund TD1, Munson DJ, Haldy ME, Setchell KD, Lephart ED, Handa RJ.
Biol Reprod. 2004 Apr;70(4):1188-95. Epub 2003 Dec 17.
Equol (7-hydroxy-3[4'hydroxyphenyl]-chroman) is the major metabolite of the phytoestrogen daidzein, one of the main isoflavones found abundantly in soybeans and soy foods. Equol may be an important biologically active molecule based on recent studies demonstrating that equol can modulate reproductive function. In this study, we examined the effects of equol on prostate growth and LH secretion and determined some of the mechanisms by which it might act. Administration of equol to intact male rats for 4-7 days reduced ventral prostate and epididymal weight and increased circulating LH levels. Using binding assays, we determined that equol specifically binds 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), but not testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, or estrogen with high affinity. Equol does not bind the prostatic androgen receptor, and has a modest affinity for recombinant estrogen receptor (ER) beta, and no affinity for ERalpha. In castrated male rats treated with DHT, concomitant treatment with equol blocked DHT's trophic effects on the ventral prostate gland growth and inhibitory feedback effects on plasma LH levels without changes in circulating DHT. Therefore, equol can bind circulating DHT and sequester it from the androgen receptor, thus altering growth and physiological hormone responses that are regulated by androgens. These data suggest a novel model to explain equol's biological properties. The significance of equol's ability to specifically bind and sequester DHT from the androgen receptor have important ramifications in health and disease and may indicate a broad and important usage for equol in the treatment of androgen-mediated pathologies.

Circulating levels of isoflavones and markers of 5alpha-reductase activity are higher in Japanese compared with New Zealand males: what is the role of circulating steroids in prostate disease?
Lewis JG1, Nakajin S, Ohno S, Warnock A, Florkowski CM, Elder PA.
Steroids. 2005 Dec 15;70(14):974-9. Epub 2005 Aug 30.
Epidemiological evidence implicates dietary isoflavone intake as protective against prostate disease. A putative mechanism is attenuated circulating androgen levels in male populations consuming an isoflavone rich diet. We investigated this hypothesis by collecting plasma from 60 Japanese and 60 New Zealand males aged between 21 and 31 years each consuming their traditional diets. We measured plasma testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), the combined levels of androsterone sulfate and epiandrosterone sulfate (AoS/epiAoS), sex hormone-binding globulin, and cortisol and corticosteroid-binding globulin as well as the isoflavones genistein and equol. Plasma genistein and equol levels were several times higher in Japanese males as would be expected from an isoflavone rich diet. However, androstenedione, DHEAS, calculated free testosterone and paradoxically markers of 5alpha-reductase, DHT and AoS/epiAoS were all also significantly higher in Japanese rather than the New Zealand male counterparts. All other comparisons were not significant. Plasma DHT and DHEAS correlated positively with plasma equol and plasma AoS/epiAoS correlated positively with genistein levels. Taken together the results suggest that, rather than reduced levels of steroidogenesis, Japanese males may have increased 5alpha-reductase activity and possibly altered 17beta OH steroid dehydrogenase activity. Significantly the positive association between isoflavones levels and 5alpha-steroids is counter-intuitive to isoflavone intake offering prostate protection, unless this is postulated to occur through other mechanisms.

Isoflavone supplements stimulated the production of serum equol and decreased the serum dihydrotestosterone levels in healthy male volunteers.
Tanaka M1, Fujimoto K, Chihara Y, Torimoto K, Yoneda T, Tanaka N, Hirayama A, Miyanaga N, Akaza H, Hirao Y.
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2009;12(3):247-52. doi: 10.1038/pcan.2009.10. Epub 2009 Jul 14.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementing healthy men with soy isoflavones on the serum levels of sex hormones implicated in prostate cancer development. A total of 28 Japanese healthy volunteers (18 equol producers and 10 equol non-producers) between 30 and 59 years of age were given soy isoflavones (60 mg daily) supplements for 3 months, and the changes in their sex hormone levels were investigated at the baseline and after administration. The serum and urine concentrations of daidzein, genistein, and the levels of equol in the fasting blood samples and 24-h stored urine samples were also measured. All 28 volunteers completed the 3-month supplementation with isoflavone. No changes in the serum levels of estradiol and total testosterone were detected after 3-month supplementation. The serum levels of sex hormone-binding globulin significantly increased, and the serum levels of free testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) decreased significantly after 3-month supplementation. Among the 10 equol non-producers, equol became detectable in the serum of two healthy volunteers after 3-month supplementation. This study revealed that short-term administration of soy isoflavones stimulated the production of serum equol and decreased the serum DHT level in Japanese healthy volunteers. These results suggest the possibility of converting equol non-producers to producers by prolonged and consistent soy isoflavones consumption.

Equol an isoflavonoid: potential for improved prostate health, in vitro and in vivo evidence.
Lund TD1, Blake C, Bu L, Hamaker AN, Lephart ED.
Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2011 Jan 13;9:4. doi: 10.1186/1477-7827-9-4.
To determine: in vitro binding affinity of equol for 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5alpha-DHT), in vitro effects of equol treatment in human prostate cancer (LNCap) cells, and in vivo effects of equol on rat prostate weight and circulating levels of sex steroid hormones.
First, in vitro equol binding affinity for 5alpha-DHT was determined using 14C5alpha-DHT combined with cold 5alpha-DHT (3.0 nM in all samples). These steroids were incubated with increasing concentrations of equol (0-2,000 nM) and analyzed by Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. 14C5alpha-DHT peak/profiles were determined by scintillation counting of column fractions. Using the 14C5alpha-DHT peak (0 nM equol) as a reference standard, a binding curve was generated by quantifying shifts in the 14C5alpha-DHT peaks as equol concentrations increased. Second, equol's in vitro effects on LNCap cells were determined by culturing cells (48 hours) in the presence of increasing concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (vehicle-control), 5alpha-DHT, equol or 5alpha-DHT+equol. Following culture, prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels were quantified via ELISA. Finally, the in vivo effects of equol were tested in sixteen male Long-Evans rats fed a low isoflavone diet. From 190-215 days, animals received 0.1 cc s.c. injections of either DMSO-control vehicle (n = 8) or 1.0 mg/kg (body weight) of equol (in DMSO) (n = 8). At 215 days, body and prostate weights were recorded, trunk blood was collected and serum assayed for luteinizing hormone (LH), 5alpha-DHT, testosterone and 17beta-estradiol levels.
Maximum and half maximal equol binding to 5alpha-DHT occurred at approximately 100 nM and 4.8 nM respectively. LNCap cells cultured in the presence of 5alpha-DHT significantly increased PSA levels. However, in the presence of 5alpha-DHT+equol, equol blocked the significant increases in PSA levels from LNCap cells. In vivo equol treatment significantly decreased rat prostate weights and serum 5alpha-DHT levels but did not alter LH, testosterone, and estradiol levels.
Equol administration appears to have potential beneficial effects for prostate health and other 5alpha-DHT mediated disorders. Equol administration: reduces PSA levels from LNCap cells under 5alpha-DHT stimulation, decreases rat prostate size, decreases serum 5alpha-DHT levels and androgen hormone action, while not altering other circulating sex steroids or LH levels.


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